We need more Nintendo Directs!
Written by Kyo on
Recently, Nintendo did an interview talking about the state of games being made (there may be a delay if Covid 19 still continues) and apologising for the Joy Con drift issue.
But there was another news that caught my eye a little bit more.
Nintendo was supposed to do a sort of direct for E3. But with Covid 19 decimating everything in its path of planned events and parties and mass gatherings, they decided to pull back.
It didn't help that they were not the only one affected. Studios around the world had to delay whatever necessary in order to make sure things can be completed either by working from home, or braving through the crowds.
Did you know the last direct was in September 2020? Ever since then, while it may not feel like it, smaller presentations were made in focus instead such as Smash presentations by Sakurai and Pokemon announcements (refrain from mentioning about Pokemon Unite please).
But I for one believe Nintendo Directs are necessary.
Nintendo always has a weird magic behind almost every direct. It never felt boring, forced, or lethargic. What can only be hoped and copied by others, the same magic could not be felt. Anyone remembered the last Inside Xbox episode? PS5 was only made for memes. heck, we're not talking about their games yet even.
Aside from that, Nintendo is even smart to have moments for indie developers to take center stage. Heck, what was presented were no flukes either. They showed potential, are definitely amazing.
So maybe Nintendo has and will always have that charm that we can't run away from. And I'm none too happy that they may phase out soon. A Direct somehow always curates fantastic games that are coming soon, or is being stealthily released as it is shared, and brings up indies that we might not have bat an eye if it were not in their spotlight.
Here's hoping I see more, probably in September once more. Because if you noticed, the biggest thing coming from them... is Paper Mario The Origami King, slated on 17 July 2020. After that, who knows?
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