
Introducing the Orderable Games List!

Written by Kyo on

Hey people! New improvements are always a hunt for Kyo. And please note, I suck at website coding. But hey I managed to get a new page uploaded for everyone.

Introducing the Orderable Games List! This list is a replication of the lists that you have been viewing at Facebook and Forum and now I'm putting this listing up here for better reach. The categories available for now include:

Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS

Playstation 3

Nintendo Wii and Nintendo WiiU

Click on each of them to see the lists! And if you want something, you can immediately let me know down at the bottom of the list conveniently to get the game you want ordered!

If you have any comments or suggestions on how to improve the lists and it's presentation, do let me know as well. Would be happy to make this even better for everyone. :D

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  • Hi, I would like to know is Japanese 3DS game preorder available?

    eeee on

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