NSwitch Super Smash Bros Ultimate (Asian/MDE)
Note: The price is tentative depending on the currency exchange fluctuations. If the price drops, then yay! You only need to pay RM 50 for preorder deposit.
Release Date: 7 December 2018.
Region: Asian, or the infamous UAE logo at the back this time.
Contents: Prays for a reversible cover at the back. Pleaseeee.
Tentative Price (29 Oct 2018): RM 239
Free Postages for all preorders!
Kyo's Description on the Game:
Will this be the real ultimate one for Smash? Will it be the last for Sakurai? Well, one can wonder. But having the whole cast of Smash WiiU and then some into Smash is pretty darn wonderful.
Plus, listen to all the soundtracks while on the go! And carrying a huge ass Switch at the same time. Haha.

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